Special Needs Dentistry

We believe in access to care for all people, regardless of need or ability.

Our Commitment to Specialized Care

Nearly 1 in 4 Americans has a disability and many face barriers to quality oral health care. This can often lead to poor health outcomes like periodontal disease and tooth decay.


PDS Foundation opened the Dentists for Special Needs Office in Phoenix, AZ to improve access to care and train more clinicians to deliver specialized care. 


Through various partnerships nationwide, our goal is to not only inform caregivers and self-advocates, but to bring training to providers and to build comfort into treating patients of all abilities. 


Educational Resources

Our supporters at Smile Generation® teamed up with the Special Olympics to create resources for patients and caregivers. Our guides are designed to help maintain an oral hygiene program at home and include easy-to-follow instructions on proper brushing and flossing techniques, and suggestions for adaptive positions for these activities.

Technology & Personalized Care

We believe that state-of-the-art technology paired with individualized care delivers a win-win for patients and providers.  


By incorporating the latest technology and a highly passionate team dedicated to providing the most tailored treatment, our patients and caregivers both leave appointments smiling.

Mouth Body Connection Guide

When oral hygiene is neglected, it can cause cavities, abscesses, and periodontal disease. The resulting bacteria and inflammation in the mouth can affect multiple systems throughout the body – known as the Mouth-Body Connection. We created a guide to educate patients about this connection and encourage better dental care.


Dentists for Special Needs

When it comes to treatment, one size does not fit all. From the design of our office to the expertise of our team members, patients often say they feel at home when they come to the Dentists for Special Needs Office. 

Dentists for Special Needs

Clinician Impact Stories



Noah is autistic and prefers to walk around the office to explore the sensory items and get comfortable before he sees the team. 



Eve has high blood pressure and other health problems that can make dental check-ups painful. The personalized care our office provides makes her feel like a member of the family.



Julian overcame his fear of the dentist thanks to Dr. Molina’s kindness and support during his first exam. Our trained dentists and clinicians provide extra time and compassionate care so that patients feel comfortable and safe.

Dentists for Special Needs
Thanks to the commitment, passion and expertise of the Pacific Dental Services Foundation’s Dentists for Special Needs dental clinic in Phoenix, Special Olympics athletes in Arizona will now have a dental home where they can be welcomed and receive competent and caring health care.

- Dr. Steven Perlman, DDS, Global Clinical Director and Founder, Special Olympics Special Smiles

Holding hands

Give to the PDS Foundation

You can help us provide education, dignity, and greater access to oral health care for more people. Become a donor and start making an impact today.
